and create a
new Java Project (e.g. ReversEngineeringLegacyJarFile).
Copy the following two Jar files in your workspace at the root of your
project using windows file manager.
Click in the Package Explorer > Refresh in
order to display the newly copied Jar files inside your Eclipse Project.
The imported jar files are now at the
root of your project.
(Note that you should not import the
files at the root of the src. A jar could not be considered as a
java src code because you can not change and manipulate
directly the code).
Click in the Package explorer on the Project > Property > Java Build Path
> Libraries > Add JARs..
The internal Jar files have moved to the Referenced
Libraries folder and could now be reversed by EclipseUML 2008.
2. Package Diagram
2.1.1 Reverse
the Project
Click on the Jar file and select Open / Reverse UML > Nested Package

the depth of the nested package (e.g. 4 )

The jar file structure diagram
is immediately displayed.
We can notice that Javax is the main package containing servlet package
and three nested packages named jsp, ressource and http.
If you look at the Package Explorer then
you only see two packages javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http but the
real structure is different.
So I decided to investigate what is
tagext package and its classifiers.
Double Click on the
tagext package
> Inheritence Explorer > select All
You can now dislpay the classifier structure of your package
using a class diagram
I don't see
these classes in my jar file :-)
So my investigation is to click on BodyTag Interface and have a look
where this interface is in
the Package Explorer
Then I realize that this interface
is in another jar file :-)
This example helps to show that the reverse of Package using a
Structural view is important in order to understand the project logic
and extend jar classifiers.
2.1.2 Reverse the Project packages dependencies